Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Secret Life" Feedback #5

More feedback from the piece I sent out called "My Secret Life of Discipleship". The long awaited (by some) "negative" feedback begins in this one (3rd quote down)...but I prefer to call it "challenging feedback" rather than negative. Because all of us want the exact same be closer to God and to help others be closer to God...and to understand one another in ever-increasing measure...for our good and God's glory.
"When will we realize that God has never so much expected us to be correct in everything (as if we ever can), as to believe Him, to trust Him, to want Him above all else?  Is the church as we see it today anything at all like the church we see in Acts?  Not even close!  Are disciples of today mirrors of their Master and Lord of the Gospels?  Well, I can speak for myself and say that although I long to so very much like Jesus, it is not hard to recognize that I'm not even close either.  But I do know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I've committed to Him (myself)." - 65ish sister, life-long member of the Church of Christ
"Your article said so many of the things I have been struggling with over the past few months/years. I, too, like some of the others have considered changing churches to find one that more closely resembles my heart's desire. But I also sense God telling me to stay and work for change...if we all left, would it be better? I'm not sure. But, anyway, thanks." - a late 20's member of the Church of Christ...seeking Him more than ever before
"We broke away from a congregation years ago that was judging, comparing and accusing others in the 'church' but it was in the opposite direction of what your article described!!!!! In my opinion, what you have described is about as far to the extreme as our "legalists" brethren. The article seems to imply that the Bible is OK or has had it's place but all that is needed is to love everybody and guard against residual teaching that resembles anything legalistic whatsoever and are preparing to help our kids unlearn it....exactly what is residual teaching?  Everything in the Bible better be taught, caught and learned --- EVERYTHING!  Anyone who tries to pick and choose what fits them is treading on very thin ice.  I truly believe the 'extremes' are both wrong---yet both need to be taught from the pulpit and are necessary for total knowledge, comprehension and understanding of God's teachings.  Go too far in either direction, you not only lose sight of the other or begin to condemn/judge the other, but you have then established new standards/values/morals/expectations that are outside God's presentation of the complete Gospel!  That's when someone better stand up and remind both extremes that our awesome, powerful God is also a God of wrath and the final Word will be His.  The one-on-one---very personal and intimate love relationship with God is essential for salvation, but equally essential is a clear understanding of His ways and His laws.  Call it 'legalist' if you will, but everyone better understand it and be obeying it DAILY.  Why else would we have LAWS!!!!!  How would one know they were living sin were it not for the LAW!  We need to strive to follow the laws/rules/ examples God set before us on how to conduct our daily lives ---- and to love others and put their needs before our own.  I do believe there is a Pattern for the church and I believe we are going to be held accountable for following it....My fear is that the next generation will never hear the rules/laws-------just like a lot in the previous generation never heard about the Christ-like love that is a MUST.  Where's the middle, Brian.  Where is the compromise of the extremes?  It's in the Word.  It must all be taught, analyzed and followed.  ALL OF IT!  I will see to it that my grandchildren hear it ALL.  I pray that the Gospel is kept pure for the generations to come." - 60ish sister, life-long member of the Church of Christ
"I just got around to reading your longer thoughts on "The Church".  Just know our staff is committed to the exact same thing. The most amazing thing is how open our church is to exploring the life of Christ with the intent to imitate what we find.  My prayer is God will lead all of us to a Christ centered ministry where He is the only factor of relevance!  Not the sign on our building, where and what we have our education in, over analyzed word study that most were limited in their understanding to start, I'll just stop the list of unnecessaries there.  Sign me up!  I'm with ya." - 30ish preacher of a Church of Christ in Oklahoma


Anonymous said...

Amen to the 60ish sister!! She is right-on!!!! Thanks to her for her comments about not going to either extreme!!! We were to legalist at one time, but now we are going to far the other way. The Bible does serve a purpose and those teachings/rules/laws are in there for a reason. Being Christ-like does not mean that we can ignore them. That seems to be what we are teaching now.

Paula Harrington said...
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Paula Harrington said...

Hey Brian,

First let me that anyone who got Napoleon Dynamite must think on a whole different level than me. :)

Second, I was saddened by your "Secret Life" post. I wondered if you were hurt or disappointed by other Christians and it led you to feel the way you do now about the church. Your post had a lot of negativity.

What can I and others do to help change your views regarding the church?

Anonymous said...

Well said Brian! I just read "My Secret Life of Discipleship" from Toby's blog.
It's been a while!
Great to see you are doing well!

Keith Brenton said...

I even mentioned this blog post in my LIFE Group meeting last night, it affected me so profoundly. I want to be in an humble and not-too-secret life, though ... I don't want to fall prey to the temptation to think that pursuing this path somehow makes me "better." And at the same time, I want to be able to pursue it boldly, so I don't feel like I have to think twice before leaving a comment to a post like this with my name attached.


And, Paula, I can't speak for Brian - but I agree with him and I have nothing but love for the church. It is an imperfect collection of imperfect people just like me, each of us trying to seek a way that draws us closer to God through Christ. The path of being right all the time about everything just isn't working for some of us, though; it's circuitous and detouring, and we get too much direction to pursue that path at our churches rather than to the one that leads directly to Christ.

-50ish staff member in a Church of Christ

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous,
Rather than going to one extreme or the other, I believe Brian is thinking above the line of extremes, which is a difficult thing to comprehend if you find yourself sitting comfortably on the line. You mention rules and laws, but I see them all summed up and fulfilled in the life of Jesus. And that is what I understand Brian is calling us to not just believe in, but to embody.

@ Paula,
It's good that you were saddened in reading Brian's post. On a parallel, I am saddened when I read much of the prophets. Many times they were "hurt or dissappointed" by the folks claiming to be religious, even excommunicated, and killed.

Repentance is a good place for all of us to start in response to Brian's post, not so much that you or I could change Brian's views of the church, but so that we could actually become the church--the church that "really is of Christ."

Royce Ogle said...

To Paula and other critics: Is "extreme discipleship" wrong? Can one love Jesus too much? Is Brian wrong to point out flaws in our beloved coC? Christ did not hesitate to criticize the religious people of his day.

We get not extra points by being right. I don't want to hear about your love for Jesus if you refuse to recognize and love others because they don't worship the same way you do. If a person declares Jesus as Lord and strives to please him by loving others I consider that person a brother and will treat him as one. I can't see his heart, only God can. I'll gladly let him sort them out. Meanwhile, I will risk erring on the side of love.

Grace and Peace,
Royce Ogle

Paula Harrington said...

Brother Ogle,

I was not being critical and sorry if I came off that way.
