Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Radical-Conservative Vision for a Church

"Stott argues that we need more churches that are radically conservative - 'conservative' in the sense that they conserve what Scripture plainly requires, but 'radical in relational to that combination of tradition and convention which we call culture.'" - a quote from's description of John Stott's book, The Living Church
I'm waxing nostalgic today...remembering when I was first discerning God's call on my life to consider coming to Amarillo to join ranks with the disciples at the Southwest Church of Christ.
I remember them asking me to come up for a visit, and they asked me a question that I remember being giddy about answering.
"What is your vision for Christ's church?" they asked me.
It was December of 2003 that I sat down and lit up the keyboard in response to that question...and here is what I wrote:

My Vision for a Church


It begins very personally for me.


I imagine a place where what has happened to me happens to as many fellow human beings as possible.


I imagine a place where new birth is common place in the lives of every member, and in the lives of people they are around in their worlds.


I imagine a place where God is an assumption, a real Presence, a defining friendship, a faithful Father, an unwavering lover, and an intimidating power. A place where God is feared, followed, and felt.


I imagine a church full of worship and adoration and exaltation of the One True God, worship that is manifested in the lives of the members whether gathered corporately, or scattered in the community living life. And when gathered, Yahweh is acknowledged as present…and that He alone is the audience to be pleased, the members are the performers in their hearts, and the worship leadership is the curtain-opener.


I imagine a community unified around the singular obsession of giving glory to God and finding their expression of that in His Son’s commission to make fully devoted followers of Christ. I pray for a church incapable of being either ambiguous or legalistic about what it means to be a follower of Christ – finding their definition of “Christ follower” in the life of Christ himself.


I imagine a church community where the call to unity is synonymous with the call to God-given mission. And to be associated as a member of the church is to be in full partnership with all other members on their corporate journey towards fulfillment of that mission.


I imagine a place where authentic and vulnerable relationships are natural and normal. Where confession is safe, truth is everywhere, and grace abounds. Where Christ’s balanced heart of “neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” is the "grace and truth" banner under which the community lives with one another.


I imagine a place of dependence, where thick in the makeup of the entire body of people is the assumption that God is behind this. It would be a place defined by personal and corporate calling on and hearing from an active God. A place where prayer is the answer for everything.


I imagine a place of out-of-style, unrealistic giving. Where men and women are called and compelled to use every resource at their disposal towards the accomplishment of Christ’s commission. A place where money is dedicated, relationships are consecrated, children are offered up, position is utilized, influence is mobilized…all for the cause of Christ.


I imagine a place where financial security comes from God through our relationship with His church. Never to be abused as anyone’s means for survival, but to be used as security in this world for courageous steps of financial faith.


imagine a place where my gifts are put to use, groomed and encouraged, and put to use some more. A place where I can do the same for others. I imagine a place where there is no place for man’s ego, but that when it flares up, it’s handled with care. I imagine a place where I can do that for others.


I imagine a place where the story of God, the gospel, the Good News, the centerpiece of the message we have been commissioned with is told and retold in creative and inspiring ways, to each other and to the world to do whatever God’s Spirit has been doing with it for 2000 years.


I imagine a place where those who believe the message are invited and inspired to conform to it, to let it define a new life for them over and over as they mature in their oneness with the Author of it.


I imagine a place that prayerfully and humbly takes the Word and discerns with the Spirit’s help the priorities of God as He lived them out on earth, and expressed them through chosen, inspired people.


I imagine a place where chosen, anointed leaders are committed to an intimacy and partnership with each other that serves as a living model of what the church is trying to reproduce as many times as it can in the community it serves and in the world…and they will go to great and costly lengths to see that Biblical community created among themselves first, and then among the body, and then given to the world.


To the glory of God, and for my great joy, I am four years from that writing, and I can say in the integrity of my heart and ecstatic with gratitude that I live in this "place" that I imagined 4 years ago. And I am busy about the business of creating it over and over again as many times as I can.


I thank God for the Southwest Church that has been the means of such a gift as this.


Royce Ogle said...


What a wonderful vision you cast and what a wonderful reality you are living. Authentic Christianity happens in an enviornment where the restraints of pleasing the flesh and its passions are not even considered.

Religion, ritual, and self reliance can never cause us to live as though we have been made partakers of the divine nature.

Thanks for sharing your heart.

His peace,
Royce Ogle

Anonymous said...

Brian, this is simply marvelous. Thank you for sharing it. And we praise God together for families of faith who are living out that kind of vision.

Roman McCoy said...

How beautiful is this vision you have that you have been sure to orchestrate in the body at Southwest. Coming close to your vision would not have been possible without the Holy Spirit, Christ and God. I believe, it would not have been possible without Brian Mashburn. The changes in this church and in the hearts of the believers there make me so giddy I can hardly contain myself. I never knew following Christ could be this fun and so freaking contageous. I love you for bringing that spirit here and committing to making Christ's vision for his church come a little closer to reality.